18 Ιουλίου 2007

lasting influence.

Byron’s direct engagement, albeit short, at the end of his life with the Greek cause had a more lasting influence than Shelley’s poem of social revolution, Ode to the West Wind. I applaud Hamill’s views, but Michael Moore achieved far more for the same cause. Does this mean that Sam should stop trying, of course not, and he is probably more realistic about his influence than many of his more vocal supporters. I do think he would have been better served by attending the event and reading anti war poems and subsequently gathering the work for Poets Against the War than by not engaging directly.

2 σχόλια:

Λίτσα είπε...

Αυτός που έγραψε τα παραπάνω έχει διαβάσει ΟΛΟΝ τον Byron?

Ανώνυμος είπε...

μπιτ για μπιτ

ολον μιλαμε τωρα.

Εχεις attitude 'η μου φαινεται?

Αντε λοιπον ...ποσταρε κατι ομορφο να διαβασω που εχω πηξει στις μαλακιες.
Ποσταρε οπου γουσταρεις.

Σε λιγο...
θα αρχισω να ποσταρω απο τον καζαμια.
